College Dropout

When I was younger, I always knew what I wanted to be when I was older.

I wanted to be a famous writer and actress, 


I was dead-set on it. I never went to auditions, casting calls, starred in plays or even attempted to, but I was convinced that it would just happen. I wrote short stories, songs, poems, and lengthy diary entries all the time, but never shared them with anyone. 

Fast forward to junior year of high school.

Everyone around me seemed to know exactly where they were going and what they wanted to do. They knew what college they were attending and the career field they were going to enter, then there was me. 

I felt so lost.

 “How are they so sure of what they want to do in life? We are only sixteen and seventeen, and they already have everything figured out?” I thought. Why don’t I know what I want?

I graduated high school and immediately started college. I had ideas of what I wanted to do, but continued to change my mind. Long story short, after finishing all of my core classes, I felt stuck. I didn’t know what I wanted my major to be, I moved an hour away from school, my grades were dropping. 

Ultimately, I stopped going.

After years of doing some major soul searching and telling myself (and others) “I’m going back to school this fall!” 


I am enrolled and starting classes on Monday! 

I am anxious. 

Even that is an understatement.

“What if I fail?” 

Is the question I continue to ask myself, Cal and friend Andrea (they do a great job reassuring me that I won’t).

While I know it will be difficult to get back into the school mindset after being out for as long as I have, I truly finally feel ready!

Are you putting off starting or going back to school? Or a major job change? Or a life change? Or even just doing a closet clean-out?

Cut it out!

If you feel that a change is what you need to continue growing in life, stop putting it off! 

I feel as though the greatest rewards often are the outcome of a terrifying change. 

Comment what it is you are not going to put off any longer!

Thoughts? Questions? Concerns? Comment them!


  1. Anonymous wrote:

    I’m finally sending in applications to jobs i have my degree in!

    Posted 8.28.20 Reply