Walking is Good For the Soul

Stroller Shoes

It’s beginning to look a lot like…. SUMMER! Did you think I was going to say Christmas? Cause same. As much as I love winter, I am so excited that the weather finally allows me to take my boy on morning walks again!

I’m a strong believer in having a solid morning routine to start off every day right! Mine (as of now) consists of having my morning coffee on our covered front porch while my boy eats his breakfast, then watching him play with his many toys, then pack up the diaper bag and go for a walk somewhere! My sister has been my walking buddy these days, and I couldn’t be happier about that!

Last summer, when all the lockdowns started, I was only a few months postpartum. (I wrote a blog post about my experience as a first time mom during a global pandemic, check it out here!) I used all of my extra time off to take my baby on walks every single day! We walked on tracks at high schools, trails by our house, and our neighborhood, all using our UPPAbaby Vista!

When I was pregnant, I did a ton of searching for the perfect stroller, always leading me to UPPAbaby! I wanted a stroller that could grow with my son, from infant stage to child. I also wanted a stroller that offered features, such as attachments to add a second seat if we were to have another baby. If I’m being completely honest, I also just wanted a beautiful looking stroller! UPPAbaby Vista offered everything I could want in a stroller and more!

What is one baby item you couldn’t live without? Let me know in the comments!

(Commissionable links)

Thoughts? Questions? Concerns? Comment them!


  1. Kayla wrote:

    I couldn’t live without your blog post! 😭

    Posted 5.15.21 Reply