Most Recommended Products I Used Through Out My Breastfeeding Journey

I have been putting off writing this post for quite some time, knowing that this topic is not for everyone. However, I just celebrated two whole years of breastfeeding my boy, and figured now is a great time to share bits of our journey! I plan to share more posts about my breastfeeding journey, what to expect in the first month of breastfeeding, the pros and cons (for me), and tips and tricks! For this post, I gathered all of my most used products that have helped get me through my journey! Here is what I came up with!

I want to also add that I am not a doctor, a nurse, a lactation consultant, or any other kind of specialist in this topic. All of the information I will provide is simply what worked for me personally. If you choose to use any of the products I mention in this post, ensure you read the instructions properly and use them accordingly.

The Haakaa!

The Haakaa is a silicone manual breast pump that I found incredibly helpful! You suction it right onto your breast and it catches and holds your milk for you so that you can store it. I believe that it helped with my supply by always wearing it at the same time that my baby was nursing (on the opposite side, of course). I was able to store many many ounces of milk by using the Haakaa, even though I had the occasional spill. I recommend using it with a nursing bra to hold it in place to prevent it from falling off!

Nipple Cream!

I will not lie, the first several weeks of breastfeeding were hard for me. Ro had a very shallow latch and cluster-fed often. I remember crying every time I was about to nurse him because of the latch pain. I became so sore, red and cracked, that the water from the shower felt like knives stabbing into my chest. Again, not sure what took me so long to order this product, but nipple cream saved me. I tried three different creams, but this one seemed to work the best! I am so thankful for it, and if we ever have another child, this will be in my diaper bag from day one! *If you don’t want to use a cream, try out these cooling gel pads instead!*

Breast Pads!

When you breastfeed, you will leak. Sometimes people regulate their milk supply a lot sooner than others and only leak for a short while, while some may leak for several months! Either way, breast pads are a must! They help to protect your bra and shirt from milk seeping through them. I had these packed in my hospital bag, and had them stashed all over the house! I only tried two brands, so I am not sure if these ones are the best or not, but they worked wonderfully for me!

Nursing Bras!

I will be very honest with you, I’ve only tried one kind of nursing bra, and have stuck with it ever since! I am sure there are better ones out there, but this is the specific nursing bra that I use and love! I still wear this style every day! I still cannot use bras with any underwire or ones that are too tight (like some sports bras) because I get mastitis or clogged ducts almost every time! I find this nursing bra to be very comfortable and love the full coverage it gives. It also has flaps that snap open and closed for convenient nursing. Highly recommend!

Breast Therapy Packs!

Speaking of mastitis and clogged ducts, I used these 3-in-1 Breast Therapy packs the last two times I had them! You can either heat them up for warming relief, or place them in the freezer for cold relief! While I have thankfully only needed to use these a handful of times, I am happy I had them to help relieve the pain from the clogs!

Breast Pump!

I never intended on being a stay at home mom, never even gave it any thought until giving birth. I assumed I would be back to work full time by eight weeks postpartum, and I probably would have been if the pandemic didn’t happen when it did. For the first several months after giving birth, before discovering the haakaa, I pumped almost every time I nursed! Breast pumps are great for many reasons, one being that they allow you to store and save up breastmilk for when (or if) you return to work, if your partner takes over night time feeds, etc. Another reason a breast pump can be super helpful, is if you have a clogged duct (I know, I know, back to this, but they happen)! My insurance covered the Spectra S2 which worked well (though I would probably have gone for the portable one instead), but I eventually switched over to a handheld Lansinoh breast pump and a handheld Medela breast pump when I stopped storing milk and only used it to help with clogged ducts.

I understand that everyone has a very unique experience with their breastfeeding journey, and am incredibly thankful to have made it this far. I would not have been able to get here without some of these products helping me along the way. If you are currently feeling defeated in the first few weeks, know that even though many people say it doesn’t and shouldn’t hurt, it can and did for me, and that it does get easier! Also keep in mind, that even if your first baby had a hard time, couldn’t latch or you couldn’t produce, does not mean that it will be the same if you have another baby. Don’t let one bad experience deter you from trying again, if breastfeeding is something that you want to do, of course!

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Breastfeeding Products

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  1. Callum wrote:

    The Haakaa is a personal favorite of mine!

    Posted 2.5.22 Reply
  2. thathalfassedblogger wrote:

    Two babies and I never did try the Haakaa. I should have!!

    Posted 2.5.22 Reply
    • Stefani Magee wrote:

      Oh my gosh really!!! I LOVE the haakaa! Sometimes I would fill it with warm water and epsom salt and put it on the help with clogs!

      Posted 2.5.22 Reply
  3. Olivia wrote:

    Thank you for sharing! Love the hakaa

    Posted 2.6.22 Reply
    • Stefani Magee wrote:

      Me too!! I have three now! And thank you so much!

      Posted 2.7.22 Reply