No phone.. who dis?

 Do you ever stop to question if you use your phone too much? Or wonder if you could go without it? Or tell yourself you would be just fine if you didn’t have your phone for a while?

Me either.

Which is why these last few days have been.. well.. eye opening, to say the least.

For the first time in my life, I chose to not get the newest iPhone when it came out. I have been living (content) with my iPhone X for the past two and a half years. Sure, I could have gotten a new one, but mine worked just fine so I just didn’t see the point (I know, I know, who even am I?!)

For the past few weeks, I have been dealing with a “storage full” notification that enjoyed ruining my life every time I attempted to take a photo of my sweet boy. I deleted every single app off of my phone, I deleted over a thousand photos and videos (out of thirteen thousand) off of my camera roll, all of the texts and music off of my phone. No matter what I did

“storage full”

was there to ruin my day and dreams.

(I know, I’m dramatic, but that’s why you’re still reading.)

Finally, I went into storage and noticed that all of the ‘stuff’ I had on my phone only took up about ten gigs of storage. 43 gigs of storage had been being taken up by a category called “other”.


“What the  #^*$  is other?!”

I started looking into it, to make a long story short, no one really even knows. But I did learn how to fix it. Awesome! Lets do this! I picked up my phone to begin the process and my screen was frozen on a black screen with a link to apple support. I plugged it in to my computer to restore it, nothing worked.

Anywho, I am now a few days in without a phone. I feel like I’m living back in 2007.

Actually, its funny. At first, I thought I was going to lose my mind. The first few hours were rough, I won’t lie. I was having ‘scrolling through Facebook mindlessly’ withdrawals and kept wanting to check the weather.

On a side note, am I the only one that is obsessed with checking the weather? I could be outside, in the weather and still be like “dang what’s the temperature like outside?”

After a few hours, though, I forgot all about my phone. Or, lack thereof.

What I’m trying to say is;

put your phone away for a day and just enjoy your family

(or yourself if you’re an independent person who don’t need no one.)

What I am also trying to say is;

if you’d like to buy me a new iPhone, my address is..

Lol kidding.

Kind of.

Please send help.

Top  //  Shorts  //  Onesie  //  Beach Tent  //  Insulated Water Bottle

(My favorite affordable water bottle I use every day!)

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